June 14

Young Eagles Day!

Young Eagles Day!  Yes!

First, we checked over the plane for the pre-flight check.  We took a fuel bottle, and we checked in holes where the fuel is.  There were four more doors in the plane that we checked inside and out.  Karis and Autumn went first.  Then Jaelyn, Greyson, and I went on our flight!

Mr. Freeman was talking in the headset.  We went over the school.  You know, me, a horseback rider.  We saw MY barn!  We saw Mascoma Lake.  Jaelyn and I live nearby to that in Ascutney, and we got to see it.  We could see the cities all little.  It was lots of fun.

We also went in the hangar.  We saw an engine of an airplane.  This might have been my favorite field trip ever!  Thank you, Mr. Freeman!


June 14

The Gold Rush!

If I were around in 1849, I would be a shopkeeper.  I would love to own a store.  I would be the one who gets rich.  I would bring a dog because it could track down things.  I would bring a horse because I could ride on it, and it is big and strong.  From home, I would bring things to trade and eat.  The food I would bring is dried meat, corn, seed, and nuts.


June 2


Hey! Come on out, my friends!

Bear, raccoon, and owls, play with me!

Hey! Come on out and sled, kids!

My light will be your nightlight!

Hey! Come inside and drink your hot chocolate!

Then it is time to go to bed.

I will watch you and shine on you.

Yes, that is me, the playful moon!


May 17


Plumdog is the greatest dog fiction book ever! It is about a girl named Emma and a dog named Plum. They started a diary. Plum says the words and Emma writes them. Emma draws the pictures.  Emma goes everywhere with Plum. I think you will enjoy this book.

The author is Emma Chichest Clark.

May 11

Our Object Lesson Chapel

Put on the armor of God


A: Our lesson is on standing strong by putting on the full armor of God. My dad has Lyme disease.

M: We have been praying for my mom, who has Lyme disease too. So we have to stand strong, trusting God even when it is a hard time for our families.


A: We put on the armor of God!

M: We have something to show you to help you remember to put on your armor.


  1. Sprinkle the pepper on the water and talk about how there is sin in the world and temptations around us.
  2. Call on two volunteers to stick their fingers in the bowl. Look! They have sin stuck to them!
  3. Now our volunteers will put on the armor of God (the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth, the shield of faith, the breastplate of righteousness, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, etc.) (They dip their finger in the soap.)
  4. Watch the sin now. (Stick their fingers in the bowl and the pepper runs away.) God will help you to resist the devil, to say no to sin, and to trust in Him in hard times.


A and M: Read your verse.


Anthony: So we hope you will remember our pepper to help you remember to put on the whole armor of God. Have fun at the other stations!


***Remember to empty the bowl and rinse well, then fill before the next group.

April 21

Fire at the Brook Family’s House, chapter 1

Sarah yelled, “I smell smoke!”

“What?” said Mom.

“Yes!  Smoke!” Sarah replied.

The dog said, “Ruff, ruff!”

The cat said, “Hiss, hiss!”

The dog said, “Ruff, ruff!” again.

Sarah was looking at the dog and telling him to be quiet.  Brother was playing his game.  Bam, bam.

“Turn the volume down!”

Sometimes the brother and sister would fight a lot.  Sarah was mad.  Molly thought it was annoying too.

Stay tuned for what happens to the Brook family with their FIRE!